Dot 03/11/2021
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Saudi Arabia’s Leading Luxury Hotel 2020
For the second year in a row, the Shaza Makkah Hotel has won the World Travel Award in the Saudi Arabia’s Leading Luxury Hotel 2020 category. For Intercon, it was an honor to work on the project. Interior design combines timeless tradition with glorious contemporary elegance. The hotel, with 251 room units, expresses the cohesion of a millennial tradition that is reinterpreted through a language of contemporary interior design recognized for local and international guests.
Dot 03/11/2021
Saudi Arabia’s Leading Luxury Hotel 2020
For the second year in a row, the Shaza Makkah Hotel has won the World Travel Award in the Saudi Arabia’s Leading Luxury Hotel 2020 category. For Intercon, it was an honor to work on the project. Interior design combines timeless tradition with glorious contemporary elegance. The hotel, with 251 room units, expresses the cohesion of a millennial tradition that is reinterpreted through a language of contemporary interior design recognized for local and international guests.