Dot 24/02/2021
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Internship at Intercon
Gina and Josep Anton joined Intercon a few weeks ago as interns. They’re currently studying a Master of Science in Interior Architecture at the prestigious educational institution La Salle, in Barcelona. Both come from different university backgrounds: Gina studied a Bachelor’s Degree in Design and Josep Anton a Bachelor’s Degree in Architectural Technology and Building Construction. We hope that this experience in Intercon will be beneficial to them, and we’re sure that both they and we will learn from each other.
Dot 24/02/2021
Internship at Intercon
Gina and Josep Anton joined Intercon a few weeks ago as interns. They’re currently studying a Master of Science in Interior Architecture at the prestigious educational institution La Salle, in Barcelona. Both come from different university backgrounds: Gina studied a Bachelor’s Degree in Design and Josep Anton a Bachelor’s Degree in Architectural Technology and Building Construction. We hope that this experience in Intercon will be beneficial to them, and we’re sure that both they and we will learn from each other.